Wednesday, January 9, 2007: Terrascope Room
Todd's Notes
Meeting Opens
What should we do?
- Decide what to do over IAP
- Let's define long and short-term goals for the group
- What's the end product?
- Have something presentable—schools, companies, other organizations
- IAP goals vs. overall goals
- 2-6 p.m. meetings on Sundays
- Bring food to Wednesday meetings?—will continue to meet in Terrascope room
Goals - Proposal from Alex: Create a user-friendly Website aimed at educating people about the problem—not super technical. Make a pdf file with technical solution for distribution to policy makers—like a book. Also come up with presentation for schools, focused on problem. Possibly children's book/video documentary?
What should we do during IAP?
- David: Break up proposal into solutions/background
- Alex: Sort through information—fact check, decide what else we need
- Amanda and Anna: Must continue research
- Alex: Goal should be develop problem a lot more
- Todd: Let's get more quantitative
- Jack: How do fish fit into global food supply? Issues with urging people to switch off fish.
Compiling information: Probably what we need to do, but how can we really make a difference?
- David: Terrascope has a lot more political contacts than "The end of the line"
- Hillary Clinton?
- Eva: This is a high risk investment?
- David: what happened to sportsfishing? Appeal to them as allies?
- Alex: People who are going to talk to politicians, journalists, etc., must be prepared out of their minds
Jack: Responsible investing?
Need for public involvement/education
- David: Talk to lobbyists?
- Review sections—sort, fact check, fill holes
- Issue of ad hoc features, how solution should be discussed
- Eva: Existing sections don't differentiate between problem and solution, really
Should our solution/ Website be focused on U.S. or entire world?
- Maybe should look at China, Japan information
Discussion of content
- MPAs—should we do a cost benefit analysis?
- How should we analyze? Timescale for 10% plan?
- Let's get quantitative.
- How defensible is 10%? How good is the research?
- Use a risk analysis instead of a cost benefit analysis?
- Alex J: We want MPAs in the solution, but we need more information—some relevant parameter must be found
- Alex V: Present range of scenarios
- Should the focus be on science or policy?
- Treaty
- Alex V: Less defensible than some of the other international stuff
- Should still have material on international issues—need for more action—not an actual solution
- Should we get into state policy?
- Social issues: Discuss social implications of overfishing/reduction in fishing. Fisherman culture?
- Go back to Gloucester? Work with them?
- Education: Not relevant—we're doing it—on the website could have tab w/ info for teachers, advertisement for presentation, etc.
- (Fishing) Technology: Must separate fish/environment tracking technology, fish catching technology Needs more work on it—improve technology analysis—say why various alternatives are better—separate section on tracking technology—dump two-step plan?
- Fish tracking technology: Improve analysis--Also discuss organization of science—international cooperations
- Money (for our operations): Apparently we can get it from MIT
Monday, December 10, 2007: Terrascope Room
- ecosystem based management: more thorough and complex
- quotas --> use ITQs - -> issues with selling them or with allocation in general
- we need a major discussion on taxes and quotas *****BIG******
We also realized it is important to foster contacts soon, so while it is critical to get our information and website up and better, it is also critical to talk to people.....