- Each robot pair is given 1 mulligan. 10 point deduction for use of this option.
- The scoring scheme is as follows:
- The team score will be the individual robot's score
- Each robot's scores from each of the heats will be summed
- There will be only one heat (one run per team) due to time limitations
- Point Structure
- First robot successfully reaches exhange area: 10 pts
- Successful exchange: 15 pts
- Second robot completes course: 10 pts
- Using a mulligan: -10 pts
- Rankings:
- 1st best time: 40 pts
- 2nd best time: 30 pts
- 3rd best time: 20 pts
- 4th best time: 15 pts
- 5th best time: 10 pts
- 6th best time: 5 pts
Team Combinations
- Number of combinations and relays depends on competition time remaining (maximum number of runs is 6)
- Team combinations will be chosen randomly by the committee prior to the competion. competition.
- Team Assignments and order of heats:
- Team 5 & Team 7
- Team 2 & Team 8
- Team 10 & Team 3
- Team 6 & Team 1
- Team 4 & Team 9