- Each team will receive a single new Lego Mindstorm kit
- In addition, each team will receive a 'supplementary kit' that composes of the following: 1 bric, 3 servos, 1 USB cord, 2 long cables, 1 short cable, 4 medium cables, 1 ultrasound sensor, 1 IR sensor, 1 microphone sensor, 1 push sensor, 4 large wheels, 4 small wheels, 2 treads, 6 drive wheels, 2 racing tires, 1 red ball, 1 blue ball
- You can use only the parts that are given to you for the robot
- Teams are free to trade parts
- Software is provided in the kit
- Teams are welcome to use any compatible software; however, the support team will provide minimal support with "external" software
- Use of adhesive or permanent modification to the parts in the kit are NOT allowed (except for the use of flagflag can be attached to the robot but should not be a permanent fixture)
- Batteries will be supplied by SDM, please see the support team
- Teams may not spend more than $25 on additional items for the competition