If there are lots of transitions, create a chart of what happens during each transition, and who's doing what. Post it everywhere (green room, backstage)
Sunday Monday (or possibly mondaySunday) is cue-to-cue (Q2Q). This is the design staff's only* opportunity to set when cues are called, how long they are, what they look like. It is usually the first time you're in the performance space. And it's the first time with the sets and props. Actors don't like q2qQ2Q, but that's okay - a good q2q Q2Q will make the rest of prod week go SO SO SO much more smoothly. So use it well.
(*of course, things change during the week. But ideally as much should be done as possible on q2q Q2Q so that the other rehearsals really can be runs)
Q2Q: Again each cue is run, this time with actors. The actors should be given some time to walk around the set to get used to things. During q2qQ2Q, all tricky entrances/exits and all scene changes should be rehearsed until you are confident that everyone can do them well. (usually this is a no-brainer, since they usually coincide with light cues, but not always, so be sure to get them all). (Alternately, if you're run crew won't stay the same througout throughout the run, skip set changes for Q2Q but spend 10 minutes on them at each dress rehearsal and (if needed) before each performance. Your actors may hate you, but your audience will be happier. )
Be sure that everyone understands your terminology. Standard issue is:
Ready Standby = I’m going to call a cue soon (should require a response from the person you’re giving the ready to. i.e., SM: “ready “standby light cue 143.” 143” Light board op: “ready.”“standing by”)
Go = start from where I told you to start from
Hold = stop exactly where you are, don't move, don't talk
Restore = go back to where we started from before
I prefer to put a subject before my "go" - i.e., "actors go". That way the light board op doesn't get confused (for example).
Remember: BE CONSISTENT. You can say “elephant” instead of "go" if you want, just as long as you’re consistent.
The big thing to remember about q2q Q2Q is that it's your last real opportunity to practice the logistical side. If you want to run something again, run it again. If you're confused about something, ask, and get clarification. Your goal should be to have Monday's run be as smooth as possible.