Arthur Delarue
, Lee Mount
, Ariel Jacobs
, Amber Bennoui
, Pat Sheppard,
Oliver Thomas
- Main topics for brief update and subsequent in-depth discussion:
- Space Changes
- APIs and
- Brainstorming of future topics, space ideas, etc.:
- SIPB support vs IS&T support - can we collaborate.
- Space ideas for W20
- interview spaces, is there possible connection with Career Development and might they be interested in sponsorship?
- What about the 1st floor of W20, a location more convenient than the 5th floor
- There is some less than optimally used space (for student use) on the first floor
- The CopyTech space, most of that could go anywhere and doesn't need to take up space on the 1st floor
- The area between LaVerde's and the MIT Credit Union is very sinister and ugly, not inviting
- Could it be fixed up?
- Can it be a cluster?
- Technology-enabled learning and collaboration space?
- Charging lockers for laptops (Oliver will bring some prior research to a future meeting)
- Support locations for the Help Desk and SIPB in W20
- Increased symbiotic support relationship between SIPB and the Help Desk
- Printer distribution across campus
- a second color printer
- a printer on student street (this is underway, waiting for a confirmed location from CAC)
- printers in dining halls (for dorms with dining halls, esp. Maseeh Hall)
- Web sites at MIT (overarching topic, with a student focus)
- Atlas
- Tools for creating and running
- Student portal
- Future meetings:
- Preference for Thursdays
- Preference for the 7pm time due to athletics