Monday's To Do's
- Oligomerize beta-amyloid
- Midi's:
- hEF1a:CymR
- hEF1a-CuO:mKate
- CMV5-CuO:mKate
- TRE:Syk
- hEF1a:CymR
- hEF1a-CuO:mKate
- CMV5-CuO:mKate
- TRE:Syk
digest:- Make Sodium Azide solution
- Pick colonies:
- TRE:Syk-15-tTEVp golden gate
- Golden gate donor mini product
- LRs:
- EGSH:mKate
- hEf1a:VgEcR-2A-RXR
- TRE:mKate
- hEF1a:Gal4VP16 (remember which pDEST)
- hEF1a:CD79B-TCS-Gal4VP16
- hEF1a:tagBFP
Non-Lab To Do's:
- Order chicken lysozyme and gp120?
- order antibodies for antigen binding detection
Geneious To Do List:
- Antibody cloning for chicken lysozyme - Kathryn
hef1a sequencing primersBCR 2.0 To Do
^^^Pass: grapefruit
Higher Level To Do's:
- Decide on other antigen-variable regions we want to test
- Is gantenerumab proprietary and can we actually publish with it?