Photos from both MIT collections are for use in MIT websites and publications only. Reproduced photos must credit the photographers.
Library image archives in the Public Domain
Smithsonian, Open F|S (Asian Art)
General Photos (Free)
Google Advanced Image Search- (Free) Search for free images by specifying "free to use or share" in the usage rights field. Include a photo credit for the site, or photographer responsible for the photo.
MorgueFile - (Free) - A public image archive with high-resolution digital stock photography for public use. Use this resource for generic images that can’t be found from MIT resources. Image quality (professional v. non) varies. Most photos don’t require attribution, but check license before using.
Finding Images - MIT Libraries' research guide that highlights several web sites for finding images, with a focus on art and architecture
US Government Photo Archives (Free) - A good resource for research, science and historic images. Most photos and images on these sites are in the public domain and may be used and reproduced without permission or fee. Some however, are protected by license (e.g. Smithsonian), so please be sure to read the disclaimers on each site before downloading a photo. Photos sources should be credited (e.g. Courtesy of: National Science Foundation)