6. Recently, a spokesman from the IPCC just said that even if carbon emissions were to
stop completely, we will still see significant global warming and faster rates of arctic
ice melt than expected. How will such extreme situations change your solution? How will
it impact the relationship between countries as fish habitat changes?
h5 Where exactly will you place the marine protected areas, and why?
h5 Fish migrate over long distances. Fishermen are going to be waiting right outside to
catch them all. What are you going to do about it?
h5 You mention protecting fish species that are used for food as well as those that are not
used for food. Where will your priority be?
h5 How do you choose which fish to protect and which not to protect?
h5 Global warming will change many environments in which fish live. How do you plan to deal
with this?
h5 More specifically: Fish migrate because of global warming: will your marine reserves
reflect this?
h5 How will the gene pool of fish change when using aquaculture? How is this going to
affect the global ecosystem?
h5 How will you sustainably feed the fish you use for aquaculture?
h5 Will you have separate policies for domestic and international fishing fleets? Will the
countries own fishermen have an advantage in where they are allowed to fish?
h5 How do you plan to maintain the "fisherman's culture"? Is it important?
How are you going to dispose of all the fishing equipment and boats that will be taken
out of circulation thanks to your plan?
h5 What is the effect of the depletion of stocks on the population genetics of fish?
What's going to happen when the population rebounds?
h5 Are there any new ideas in your solution? How do you expect your solution to work if
these ideas are already being tried?
h5 What Is your proposed plan going to do to protect the ecosystem as a whole?
h5 You propose using antibiotics for aquaculture. What are you going to do about antibiotic
resistance in fish? What about superbugs? Widespread use of antibiotics leads to the
formation of antibiotic- resistant bacteria. what would you do to get rid of those? What
if they escape into the wild? You are going to kill the entire fish population!
h5 The issues surrounding exploitation of the Menhaden in Chesapeake Bay are typical of
many fisheries. Menhaden are regarded as inedible, are low in the food chain yet fill
an important nice at low tropic levels. What is your opinion of the way this fishery is
being handled?
h5 Do you have a proposed solution to the invasive species you talk about in your website?
h5 If you are protecting only a few species, like you are, you are not protecting the
ecosystem. You'll end up having too many members of a few species and destroy the
balance of the ecosystem and the food chain. How are you going to deal with this?
h5 You are only talking about how to implement your plan in china. Why china? Why not
Bangladesh? Or Chile? Or Spain? Your plan only seems to work in countries with money.
How would you implement your solution in third world country? In small countries in
h5 How are you going to enforce your solution? You have no real proposal.
h5 What are you going to do about factory ships? What about illegal factory ships? Illegal
shark fishing, illegal whale fishing?
h5 What are you going to do about cultures that say that they should be allowed to fish
certain species for cultural reasons? How does this affect your implementation? Is it
fair to allow them?
h5 In Nova Scotia, there is a black market for cod, which is not allowed to be fished
there. Are you going to deal with that?
h5 Non-member countries are affected by the tax because they are banned from trading with
the member countries. But is that really enough incentive to join? They can just trade
with other non-member countries. Or not trade at all, and take all the fish for
h5 What about other cultural fishing practices?
h5 You advocate installing aerated tank on fishing boats to put bycatch in. How feasible is
this actually? How much would that cost? Won't that still harm the fish?
h5 "Establishing MPA's: There are other alternatives to national legislation. For instance,
note that the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument was established by an
executive order of the president. This example hints at a more efficient method for
establishing marine sanctuaries." - from the website. Yes, it may be more efficient,
but it sort of hints at dictatorship
h5 You are advocating marine reserves of a small size. Will small patchy marine reserves
really work to boost the health of the ecosystem as a whole?
h5 There are mathematical methods of determining the best size and shape for ecosystem
protected areas. Did you look at this? Do you have a proposed shape?
h5 How far away are your MPAs going to be from the shore? What are the problems of having
them very close to shore?
h5 You propose tourism in MPAs. What negative effects could tourists have in protected
areas? Is it worth it?