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Leave the Q & A panel all your hard questions here!



MC: Anna Fung

Q&A Team (+ general areas of specialty; please edit/elaborate if necessary)

Emily Moberg: environmental issues, coastal zones
Sean Wahl: climate
Isaac Joseph: climate
Denys Zhuo: fishing technology
Todd Mooring: fisheries management
David Anderson: aquaculture
Adam Bockelie: fish tracking
Vrajesh Modi: taxes, economics, fish tracking
Eva Cheung: social considerations, GPS
Alex Piotrowski: international
Alex Jordan: international, legislation

Potential questions that people might ask

1. example: This is my question. (Alex)


This is my response (the respondent)

2. What incentives do countries have to sign?
3. how are you going to prosecute countries that haven't signed?
4. how are you going to regulate non-signatories and prevent them from entering MPAs?
