Ladder, TRE:mKate, pLac:mKate, hEF1a:LacI, 3T3, 3T9, 3T15, 6T6, 6T9, 6T12 | Ladder, 9T3, 9T6, 9T9, 9T12, 9T12, 9T15, 12T6, 12T9, 12T12, 15T3, 15T9, 15T15 | Notes: |
The LRed constructs (1st 3 lanes after the ladder, left gel) seem to be in the wrong order. The band pattern in lane 1may be the failure mode of TRE:mKate, but there is an extra band at around 10kb which doesn't make sense, also there seems to be some undigested plasmid as well. The band pattern in lane 2 is probably the correct hEF1a:LacI, even though it says it's pLac:mKate. The band pattern in lane 3 is probably the correct pLac:mKate, even though it says it's hEF1a:LacI |