If possible, use colored paper, as it stands out more. Try to pick unusual colors, and if necessary go up another price bracket to get colors that fewer groups use. Or use Using color printing !can be effective too, but limit its use as it is expensive.
You can have the copies charged straight to our account, and that way you don't have to get reimbursed for the cost. Use the main account number listed on the Treasurer wiki page. Apparently this can only be done at the CopyTech main campus location, but you can also send files there electronically and the printouts will be ready when you go to pick them up.
This isn't a passive business; our presence needs to be maintained. Other groups are much more cut-throat and you
have to keep things up. If I'm walking and find someone has covered one of our flyers, I don't think twice moving theirs. GET HELP. Other MIT-frequenting members should be recruited to police the postering.Table-top cards in the dining halls now require a reservation to be made at the ARA office, W20-5th floor. By my last count, Lobdell has about 90 tables and Walker has 55 tables. I haven't done Baker and I think there is another dorm-based dining hall in a west campus dorm.
Postering Blackout
At the beginning of the school year, during rush/orientation up until the activities midway, the ASA limits how student groups may recruit new students. This may interact with early postering you want to do. Check the official ASA rules or ask them for clarification to be sure.