- What is the impact of ILLEGAL FISHING?
- Being researched now
- How do we balance the needs of people and fish?
- Decided on Tuesday Night
- Decided on Tuesday night
- What is a FISHERY?
- Sports fishermen
- NOAA's site on sport fishing: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/mrii/index.html
- Research being done
- Whaling
- Research COMPLETE
- What to do with Developed vs. Developing nations:
Meanwhile, food for thought: Australian officials, despite protests against whaling, are unwilling to disrupt any trade agreements with Japan because they're concerned about the effect on their own economy, or think pursuing legal action or sanctions or whatever won't be effective, or something: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,22783620-29277,00.html