The most important of these are:
Fb, Fd, Fe, and Fg
Note: UFM == unaccounted fishing mortality
Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing (IUU):
- 1994 FAO estimates are 19.9 to 39.5 megatonnes of global catch were discarded (that about 30% of the total catch)
- estimate downgraded to 20 megatonnes in 1998; then 7.3 megatonnes in 2005 (8% global catch) (recent estimates not comparable--different methods)
- EU Data Collection Regulation (Commission Regulation) #1639/2001 has something to do with reporting discards
- "Still difficult to determine the accuracy...in most discard estimations"
- Calculating: direct (stand on the boat and count) or indirect:
- estimation of small fish discards made by comparing length measurements from observers on the boat can be compared to length estimates on land
- I'm not sure how that would work...they cite Palsson et al, 2002; Palsson 2003; sokolov 2003
- results from studies about fishing gear selectivity
- I assume that this means that you look at a net and say "wow, this will give a 10% catch that is < 10 inches" and then look at catch data and say "wow, there are only 8% of that size, the rest must have been thrown back."
- analyze catch length frequencies, assume that all fish shorter than the limit are thrown back
- interview fishermen
- get data from fishermen
Escape Mortality
- "Selective fishing gears...can be justified only if significant numbers of escaping fish survive"
- studies indicate that mortality is species-specific
- cod, haddock survive well
- herring does not survive well
- Team 2 should read PDF page 16
Ghost Fishing
- New nets are not biodegradable--when they get loose they are permanent death machines
- In deep water (>200m), ghost fishing can last for years (several year old nets are still active in Canada)
- In shallow water the nets get fouled
- I don't know what fouling really means
- In shallow water the nets get fouled