- Raw facts with citations NEEDED
- What studies project
- What will happen to
- People
- Fish
- Countries
- Global Economy
- Corporations
- Environment
- Biodiversity
- Ecosystem
- Consumer products
- Cosmetics
- drugs/medicine
- Food
- Oil
- Cat and dog food
- Consumer products
The Impact on Humans
Every day, "Fish account for approximately 20% of all animal protein in the human diet, with almost 1 billion people depend relying solely on fish as their primary source of protein (CITATION NEEDED FROM... Todd? David?. Furthermore, seventy-five percent of fish eaten by humans are marine-caught, as opposed to their freshwater and farm-raised counterparts. Given these conditions, and declining stocks of marine fish, one study suggests that the projected decrease in fish supply over the next two decades will not meet the demands of a growing global population" (Duke). People living in places like Greenland and Faeroe Island consume 85 kilograms of fish per capita per year--second only to the Maldives, where each person consumes 190 kilograms of fish and shellfish per year, placing an extraordinary amount of faith in and responsibility on our oceans (NMFS, 2006).
Works Cited
Duke University. Mining vs. Farming: The International State of the Fisheries. Retrieved 17 November 2007, from the World Wide Web: http://www.biology.duke.edu/bio217/2002/fish/state.html.
National Marine Fisheries Service. (2006). Per Capita Consumption. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/st1/fus/fus06/08_perita2006.pdf.