- Fish population is decreasing- overfishing
- Coral Reef dying
- Biodiversity is decreasing
- Composition of water changing (salinity)- eutrophication
- The human population is increasing (especially in developing sountries)- fish demand is increasing
- Flag-Hopping
- Technology worsens overfishing
- Not enough scientific data about the ocean
- Invasive species
- Genetic composition of fish changing
- Food web/ecosystem changing
- Ignorance and apathy of people
- End overfishing Overfishing
- Taxes/quotas/subsidies
- Fair trade
- New Technology
- Raise Awareness/Education
- Marine Protected Areas
- Management
- Preserve ecosystems Ecosystems
- New technology/ less destruction
- Climate
- Riparian Buffers
- Management
- Education
- Stop Invasive Species
- Fish tracking
- Curb Pollution
- Other land-based activities that disturb the oceans
- Replace food Food
- Aquaculture
- Research/Non-fish
- Education
- Consequences
- Cultural changes
- Job loss
- More Research
- Fish tracking
- Non-fish alternatives
- A.U.Vs
- treaty
Attendance List
Alex T. Vai
Vrajesh Modi
Adam Bockelie
Brian Ross
Alex M. Jordan
Alex S. Piotrowski
Todd Mooring
Tracey Hayse
Sean Wahl
Eva Cheung
Somani Patnaik
Ivy Huang
Danielle Whited