Furthermore, for effective management of coastal fisheries, local spawning and nursery grounds need to be identified (Knutsen 2003). In exploited areas, restrictions on point and nonpoint source pollution (such as sewage and fertilizer runoff) must be passed and enforced. Additionally, population models can be identified to make better regulation. For example, (Rose et al. 2001) suggested a model that categorized freshwater and marine species into three general strategists: opportunistic strategist, equilibrium strategist, and period-life strategists. We have to also keep in mind parameters such as stock biomass, predator consumption, fish mortality and fecundity, and human consumption when devising regulations for management of coastal fisheries (Oguz 2007).We can also create market based instruments for environmental protection in coastal and marine systems. This means assigning property rights (creating markets) and applying taxes, subsidies, user fees and/or charges to address the problem.
Wiki Markup |
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URL: http://ils.unc.edu/parkproject/resource/scorp/scorp_ch6.pdf\\