Other countries propose the Traffic Light approach: red (forbidden subsidies), green (permitted subsidies), amber (slow down, which means that subsidies may be subjected to a complaint on the basis of their adverse trade effects). By this approach, desirable subsidies will be maintained while direct payment to promote export would be banned or discouraged.
Here are some links on information concerning subsidies on fisheries
Sources used in my research:
- FAO Fisheries Report No 638 - supplement
- The FAO Expert Consultation on Economic Incentives and Responsible Fisheries (Rome, 28 November - 1 December 2000)
- Milazzo, Matteo. The World Bank: Subsidies in World Fisheries: A Re-examination. (Technical Paper No. 406)
- Marc Benitah. Ongoing WTO Negotiations on Fisheries SUbsidies. ASIL Insights. June 2004.
- William Schrank. Introducing Fisheries Subsidies. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 437. 2003.