raw notes of the meeting can be found here: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcsj84m6_31d2hwjhsummary of meeting pending.
General Meeting Summary
Team 1: establishing a guideline/plan for establishing fish farms
- should the plan be to have all countries switch entirely to aquaculture? why or why not?
- concern about the viability of mobile cages, use of antibiotics
Team 2: using technology to reduce bycatch
- need to decide what/how to implement and the economics costs
Team 3:
*We will acknowledge the fact that climate change will have an impact on fisheries, and in supporting sustainable fisheries, we support working towards reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating the human-caused effects of climate change, but creating an actual plan for this is beyond the scope of the project.
- In making the final solution, all teams should keep in mind that it should be as flexible as possible so that it can be readjusted if unexpected events occur due to global warming.
Team 4: using tags to track fish
- concern about the cost-effectiveness of plan: $4 + labor costs is a lot. how are we going to pay for this? are there cheaper options?
Team 5: establishing an international body
- how big of a priority is flag hopping? if we get it to stop, how much will it help the fisheries? instead of regulating on the country level, would it be better to regulate the actual companies themselves (demonizing companies so that less people will want to purchase)
- a lot of the problems with fisheries deal with regional issues, and there are a lot of Regional Fishery Bodies already established. how will an international body
Team 6: economic regulations
- tiered licensing: are there incentives? how are fisheries helped even if countries agree to this?
- no taxes on fair trade or sustainably farm raised fish
need to establish a new task force to deal with quotas and if/how they should be used
Team 7:
Team 89: closed areas