- Is well-studied and well-characterized
- Past iGEM teams
- Nevada 2011: "A Cooperative Relationship Between Cyanobacteria and E.Coli for Production of Biofuels"
- separate populations of cyanobacteria and E. Coli
- http://2011.igem.org/Team:Nevada
- WISE 2011
- Nevada 2011: "A Cooperative Relationship Between Cyanobacteria and E.Coli for Production of Biofuels"
- difference between diesel and gasoline
- diesel freezes at a lower temperature than gasoline (used in Canadian cars)
- diesel doesn't need a spark; just need compression
- making gasoline is more complicated; more complicated mixture
- diesel is more efficient, but less powerful
- What is biodiesel:
- main component is sulfur ester
- fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)
- fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE)
- pathway:
- glycolysis -> pyruvate -> acetyl coA -> Fatty acid synthesis -> fatty acid esters
- glycolysis -> pyruvate -> acetaldehyde -> ethanol
- How to get biodiesel out of cell:
- need to lyse cells?