To avoid permission issues, you should use your user account (not the root account) to check out subversion or git repos. Sudo
may not work in the chroot environment, so you may still need to use the root account for operations that require root access.
Kernel Preparation
Install dependencies
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sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools g++-arm-linux-gnueabi |
Download the kernel
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cd # currently defaults to 4.7duovero mkdir kernel-dev cd duovero/kernel-dev git clone git://github.com/gumstix/linux.git linux -b omap-3.6 |
Copy the duovero config from the hovergroup svn and create a .config file.
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cd linux cp config linux/.config~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/defconfig arch/arm/configs/duovero_defconfig make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- duovero_defconfig |
Build the kernel and modules
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menuconfig make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- uImage -j2 make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- modules -j2 make ARCH=arm modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/duovero/rootfs/ |
The resulting uImage should be build built in arch/arm/boot/uImage. Modules will be installed by the script that makes the SD card.
Software setup
Deploy to SD card
Copy the required files from the hovergroup svn:
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cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/u-boot.img ~/duovero/
cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/MLO ~/duovero/
cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/mksdcard.sh ~/duovero/ |
Insert your sd card, determine its device identifier (/dev/sdb for example), and then run the script. There are some absolute paths in the script so you may want to look through it before running it.
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cd ~/duovero
sudo ./mksdcard /dev/sdb |