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iGEM 2015 recruiting is open! The deadline to apply to the MIT iGEM Team is Friday December 12th at 11:59pm.

The 2015 MIT iGEM team is starting recruitment! Prospective members of the team will start training during IAP (Jan. 12th-16th, 19th-23rd) by enrolling in a special 2-week course teaching the theoretical basics of synthetic biology as well as essential laboratory skills. The team will brainstorm ideas and meet throughout the Spring semester and work on the selected project full time during the Summer semester.

To apply for the 2015 MIT iGEM team, send the following to igem-2015-applications at mit dot edu:

  1. Your resume/CV, which should include relevant coursework and research experience.
  2. A list of any other commitments you've made for the summer.
  3. ~250 words describing why you're generally interested in synthetic biology and iGEM.
  4. ~250 words describing a project that you think would be appropriate and exciting for iGEM. This can be somewhat vague or can be more specific. You should look at previous iGEM projects for inspiration and to get a handle on the typical scope. Links to previous years: 200620072008 (abstracts), 2009(abstracts), 2010 (abstracts), 2011 (wikisabstracts), 2012 (wikisabstracts), 2013 (wikisabstracts), 2014 (wikis, abstracts). Before looking at teams in detail, you should browse through the project abstracts. You may want to consider writing the project idea in the form of a UROP research proposal.
  5. Conflicts you have during the IAP class dates (Jan 12th-16th, 19th-23rd). We'll send out a Doodle poll closer to IAP and we'll try to find times that fit the best for everybody.

If possible, send your application as a single PDF (or two if your CV is separate) to igem-20142015-applications at mit dot edu. If you have questions about the application process, please send an email to the same address.

After the IAP course there will be brainstorming as well as initial lab work during the Spring semester, followed by a 10-week program over the Summer semester. The Summer program will take place June 8 - August 14. This is followed by some optional commitment in September to finalize the project for the final iGEM Giant Jamboree (September 24th - September 28th). iGEM UROPs can be part time for credit for the Spring semester, and will be maximum pay full-time direct funding during the Summer semester.

Note for non-MIT students and graduating seniors: iGEM funding requires obtaining MIT UROP status, however past teams have included self-funded and students funded by other support, including exceptional high-school students, seniors the summer they graduate, and students from other universities under programs such as AMGEN or NSF UROPs.

Key Dates

  • Nov 20th, 8pm - First information session in 56-614
  • Nov 25th, 8pm - Second information session in 56-614
  • Dec 12th, 11:59pm - Application deadline
  • Jan 2nd or sooner - Decisions announced
  • Jan 12th-16th, 19th-23rd - IAP course. Times to be determined from your input.
  • March 19th - Spring UROP for credit deadline
  • April 16th - Summer UROP for direct funding deadline
  • June 8th through Aug 14th - 10 weeks for the summer project
  • Sept 24th through Sept 28th - iGEM Giant Jamboree in Boston, Hynes Convention Center

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