Versions Compared


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feature maps directlyfeature maps directly
feature maps using an OBA such as Type agreement or service orchestrationfeature maps directly
feature maps directlyfeature maps using an OBA such as Type agreement or service orchestration
feature maps using an OBA such as Type agreement or service orchestrationfeature maps using an OBA such as Type agreement or service orchestration
mapping is wonky due to questionable feature or designawkward alignment due to design deficiency better addressed by the other guy
awkward alignment due to design deficiency better addressed by the other guymapping is wonky due to questionable feature or design
n/aawkward alignment due to design deficiency better addressed by the other guyquestionable feature or design can be mimicked using an OBA
questionable feature or design can be mimicked using an OBAn/aawkward alignment due to design deficiency better addressed by the other guy
poor alignment due to design deficiencypoor alignment due to design deficiency
mapping not possible or requires significant contortionsn/a
n/amapping not possible or requires significant contortions
mapping not possible or requires significant contortionsn/a
n/amapping not possible or requires significant contortions
mapping not possible or requires significant contortionsn/a
n/amapping not possible or requires significant contortions
