Versions Compared


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Service SupportFeatureKSOSIDComments
acknowledgementan auxiliary service for acknowledging a credit or role for something osid.acknowledgement 


a service to manage principals and keysriceosid.authentication 
authorizationa service to check and manage authorizationsriceosid.authorization 
catalogingan auxiliary service for organizing things osid.catalogingin-band orchestration throughout OSIDs
commentingan auxiliary service for annotating thingsCommentServiceosid.commenting 
communicationa service to pass messages to service consumers osid.communicationKS defines in-band messages where needed
configurationconfiguration evaluation and managementGESServiceosid.configuration 
contactan auxiliary service to manage contacts for 
loggingreading and writing logsLoggingServiceosid.logging 
messagingsending and receiving user messagesUserMessagingServiceosid.messaging 
 message channels and connection to contactsUserMessagingService.MessageCategoryosid.messaging.Mailbox 
 message templatesUserMessagingService.Template  
 receipt tracking osid.messaging.Receipt 
ontologyan auxiliary service to tag things with managed topicsused to have Taggingosid.ontology 
personreferencing and managing peoplePersonService



OSIDs reference people via Resource
populationsa service to reference and manage rule-based sets of peoplePopulationServiceosid.resource.demographic 
processa rule-based service to organize checksProcessServiceosid.rules.check 
relationshipan auxiliary service to relate things osid.relationshipKS defines abstract relationships for CLUs and LUIs.
 managing room features   
 managing floors 
scheduling SchedulingService  
searchan abstract service to search arbitrary stuff and get arbitrary 
sequencingan auxiliary service for ordering things osid.sequencing 
statean auxiliary service for managing states for thingsStateServiceosid.processKS has one state per entity.
repository DocumentServiceosid.repository KS simply attaches files to objects.
typemanages Type definitionsTypeServiceosid.type 
versioningan auxiliary service to manage versions of thingsVersionManagementServiceosid.journaling