To Do Inoculate new midis from midis that ran over weekend. -then run retransform gibsons and run all incubations at 30C -and grow minis -and run mini's -and gel verify -and sequence (get both ends of each insert) -and midi re transform pEXPR tre:GmabH and pEXPR Lyn -and grow mini's -and run mini's -and restriction map -and grow midis -and run midis sat: midiprep midi cultures retransform Lyn and the gibsons (gibson cultures ought not exceed 30C) Friday - TC
- Dilute Midipreps
- Update Experiments Pages
- Experiment Timeline
- Seed
- Cloning
- MIDI culture
- GmabL4, CD79A 1-4, CD79B 1-4
- Lyn-mKate, apparently we don't have this
- mini culture
- BCR tre transformations
- GmabH
- Move Lab
- Plasmids Library
- Thursday----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TC
- Dilute Midipreps
- Stain Slides
- Finish Planning
- add Dox
- Seed?
- Cloning
- Digest/sequence
- A/B
- A/B4
- A4/B
- A4/B4
- TRE: Gmab L
- TRE: CD79A
- TRE: CD79B
- APPswe
- pEXPR6
- Miniprep
- Transform
- LR?
- Wednesday-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TC
- Path Foreward
- Dilute Midipreps
- Transfect
- Tango 2
- Membrane Localization Dilution Microscopy
- Cloning
- Miniprep
- A/B
- A4/B
- A/B4
- A4/B4
- TRE: Gmab L
- TRE: CD79A
- TRE: CD79B
- APPswe
- Digest/sequence
- A/B
- A/B4
- A4/B
- A4/B4
- TRE: Gmab L
- TRE: CD79A
- TRE: CD79B
- APPswe
- Pick Colonies