Versions Compared


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This needs to be verified by a more recent student.

As of 2013, MS students need to turn in:

  •  2 unbounded copies of your thesis, the first copy has to be on watermarked paper
  •  6 copies of the title pages signed
  •  A couple of additional abstract pages (needs to double check on this)
  •  1 CD containing the PDF of the whole file.
  •  A checklist that Heather send out that contains item you need to check off, including signatures you need to obtain from various MIT department to say you don't owe MIT any money or book etc.



  • Clare or Heather's email is your ultimate guide
  • MIT library page on thesis requirement:
  • MIT NSE website: " Two copies of the thesis in final printed form and one electronic copy, in PDF form, on CD are to be submitted to the Department Academic Office. Original signatures of the thesis supervisor and reader must appear on the thesis cover page. In addition, a copy should be furnished the thesis advisor, the reader if requested, and to satisfy any other obligations incurred (e.g., sometimes copies are required for non-government fellowship sponsors.)"