- Miniprep pEXPR (hEF1a: PirBTCS, hEF1a: TEVpCofilin)
- Verify hEF1a: PirBTCS
- Miniprep pENTR LilrB2TCS
- Verify pENTR LilrB2TCS
- Midiprep inoculate hEF1a: TCSPirBTCS
- Pick more TREt:TEVpCofilin
- Plate more TREt:TEVpCofilin if possible. Transform more TREt:TEVpCofilin LR
Digest pEXPR_hEF1a: PirBTCSG4VP16 with BsrGI, buffer 2.1
Digest pENTR_LilrB2:TCSG4VP16 with XhoI +XbaI, buffer CS
Order: hEF1a PT 1, 2, 3, 4, LT16, 17, 18, 19
hEF1a: PT 1, 3 and 4 might have worked, given that I can't even see the 800bp of the ladder either. Needs further testing.
LT 16 might have worked: there is a very faint band just below the 1500 place. Should test further, but should also keep searching.
To Do:
- Take out TC plate and liquid cultures
- Take out LT liquid cultures
- Miniprep ^
- Find good TREt:TC <-- super important. Needs to get done by end of this week.
- Find good LT
- Do hEF1a:LT LR
- PCR C term YFP