To Do - Tuesday----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Immunostaining Microscopy protocol
- Immunostaining Flow Cytometry protocol
- Western Blot protocol
- Gel extract new Syk-eYFP PCRs
- Transform TRE Gal4VP16
- Trasfect for membrane localization test
- Monday-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Double check basic plasmids
- Flesh out initial experiments (CR, KRB)
- PCR Screen Syk eYFP (KRB, CR)
- Friday--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pDEST 1-2
- pDEST 2-3 -> from amp only plate, then sequence
- Additional parts? -> primers, etc.
- Sequence pENTR Syk-eYFP
- Review 3D structure linker information (KRB, CR)
- Wiki/Design
- Update and expand on all experiments
- how we chose linker links on wii
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