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Installation OptionsFMP interfaces may installed on each user computer, or hosted on FMP Server. - If installing on each user computer, simply follow the directions below, beginning with "FMP Interface Installation Files".
- If hosting FMP interfaces on FMP Server:
- The ODBC driver, each ODBC Data Source, the FMP software, and the FTPeek plugin will need to be installed and configured on each user computer.
- Each interface hosted on FMP Server will need to be configured for FMP network sharing via File > Sharing > Filemaker Network.
- To access the interfaces, users will open FMP and select one of the hosted interfaces via File > Open Remote...
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FMP Interface Installation FilesThe following files are needed to install eSG Filemaker Pro interfaces: - FMP installation files (Win or Mac), updates, licenses
- eSG FMP interfaces (latest versions)
- ODBC driver - Win: or Mac:
- FTPeek plugin (Win or Mac), licenses - []
FMP Installation Steps
1. Install ODBC Driver
2. Add ODBC Data Source (you'll need to go through this twice, once for 'proposal_cycle_2' (RFP database) and once for 'mitsg' (PM database))
6. Clean-up user computer
RFP FMP Configuration Variables
These variables are managed via the RFP FMP layout "FMP Administration > RFP FMP Config" :