Versions Compared


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Installation Options

FMP interfaces may installed on each user computer, or hosted on FMP Server.

  1. If installing on each user computer, simply follow the directions below, beginning with "FMP Interface Installation Files".
  2. If hosting FMP interfaces on FMP Server:
  • The ODBC driver, each ODBC Data Source, the FMP software, and the FTPeek plugin will need to be installed and configured on each user computer.
  • Each interface hosted on FMP Server will need to be configured for FMP network sharing via File > Sharing > Filemaker Network.
  • To access the interfaces, users will open FMP and select one of the hosted interfaces via File > Open Remote...

FMP Interface Installation Files

The following files are needed to install eSG Filemaker Pro interfaces:

  1. FMP installation files (Win or Mac), updates, licenses
  2. eSG FMP interfaces (latest versions)
  3. ODBC driver - Win: or Mac:
  4. FTPeek plugin (Win or Mac), licenses - []

FMP Installation Steps 

1. Install ODBC Driver

2. Add ODBC Data Source (you'll need to go through this twice, once for 'proposal_cycle_2' (RFP database) and once for 'mitsg' (PM database))


6. Clean-up user computer

RFP FMP Configuration Variables

These variables are managed via the RFP FMP layout "FMP Administration > RFP FMP Config" :
