- Snapshot 2.0.34 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.33 - June 7, 2014.
- 27, 2014.
- Whether or not approval of a student's HASS Concentration completion form is urgent or not depends on whether the student is on the degree list. Since a student may come on or off the degree list after information is pushed from the HassForm web app to SFP, we are implementing a batch job that will resend the data to SFP for anyone whose degree list status has changed.
CSF Release Version 2.0.33 - Released June 27, 2014
- Snapshot 2.0.33 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.32 - June 4, 2014.
- Deprecated the following classes in csf-common-legacy as they are moved to csf-person and csf-advisor:
(1) package edu.mit.common.domain.student
- Advisor.java
- FacultyIdentifier.java
- AdvisorAssignment.java
- AdvisorInfo.java
- AdvisorAssignmentId.java
- FacultyPersonBase.java
(2) package edu.mit.common.domain.core
- Employee.java
- SpridenEmp.java
(3) package edu.mit.common.service.student
- AdvisorService.java
- AdvisorServiceImpl.java
(4) package edu.mti.common.service.core
- EmployeeService.java
- EmployeeServiceImpl.java
(5) package edu.mit.common.dao.student & edu.mit.common.dao.student.hibernate
- AdvisorDao.java
- HibernateAdvisorDao.java
(6) package edu.mit.common.dao.core & edu.mit.common.dao.core.hibernate
- EmployeeDao.java
- HibernateEmployeeDao.java
Committed by Felicia Leung on June 26, 2014 - Deprecated the following Domain class and hibernate mapping in csf-common-legacy as they are moved to csf-term:
(1) TermData
(2) TermData.hbm.xml
Committed by Viswanath Raghava on July 8, 2014
Release Version 2.0.32 - Released June 4, 2014
- Snapshot 2.0.32 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.31 - April 2, 2014.
- Modify the activityDate type StudentSubjectGpaUnits.hbm.xml from timestamp to edu.mit.common.dao.core.hibernate.TruncatedDateUserType to resolve a problem of timestamp/date mismatch on the version field Patch submitted by Jennifer Weiss on June 2, 2014 Committed by Felicia Leung on June 2, 2014
Release Version 2.0.31 - Released April 2, 2014
- Snapshot 2.0.31 is based on CSF Release version 2.0.30 - March 13, 2014.
- Added two methods to NonSubjectAcademicCreditDao.java. One methord is to find a FORM and the other to delete a FORM. Patch submitted by Jennifer Weiss on March 18, 2014. Committed by David Tanner on March 18, 2014.
- Patch to csf-common-legacy for HRI. The patch adds the housing_start_date and housing_end_date columns from the STVTERM table to the AcademicTerm object. This is for the HRI Project. Patch submitted by Shawn Dunn on March 20, 2014. Committed by David Tanner on March 21, 2014.