| | - design expression vectors
- make wiki templates
- order antibodies
- make sure we've got any
tags, dyes, etc. - anti-IgM
- anti-Syk
- anti-Lyn
- anti-primary (for blots)
- anti-pSyk (Tyr323)
- update to-do list
- Plan Gibson for BCR Plasmids
| - Review sequencing results and decide on next steps
- How we chose linker links on Wiki
- Update Experiments list and expand on them
- Organize Geneious
- Are antibodies ordered?
- Pick colonies
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How we chose linker links on Wiki (CR)
- Update experiments list and expand on them (CR, KRB)
- Update various parts pages on wiki with relevant digests (KRB)
- Transform LRs
- Lots of sequencing analysis (AS)
- LRs based on sequencing data
- Order Lyn Gblock W/ Nelson's PCR Flankers (CR)
- Order SDM Oligos for Lyn (EE)
- Organize lab boxes (CR)
- Organize Geneious (CR)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- anti Syk
- secondary western Ig
- anti IgM
- Design Sequencing Primers (CR)
- Restriction Digests for Orange Plasmids (EE)
- Gel for 7 Plasmids (EE) (AS)
- PCR CD79B's & Gmab (AS)
- Find all blue plasmids and put in BCR Box (CR)
- Golden Gates
- LRs
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Miniprep GG Colonies
- Transform & plate LR plasmids
- Transform & plate GG plasmids
- Email Brian about Pfizer stuff