Title: Line Profile Diagnostics of the Wind in HD 206267 Object: HD 206267 Exposure: 150 ks Lead Scientist: Norbert S. Schulz [ ] Primary or [ X ] Backup Constraints (none/easy/average) NONE [ ] TOO? Brief description: The nature of the the X-ray emission in very young massive stars has been a key topic since the launch of Chandra. Very early in the mission it became apparent that the classical paradigm of wind shocks is flawed and either refined or entirely new mechanisms need to be introduced in order to reach a more coherent description of the observe phenomena. HD 206267 is a O6.5V star at the heart of the 3 Myr of young stellar cluster Tr37. It hs been observed with the HETG as part of the GTO program for 75 ks in Cycle 2. Its X-ray emission, though faint, clearly showed signatures which in fact did fit the classical wind shock paradigm more than the coronal signature found in other young stars. However, its line profiles, though very broad as expected, also indicate some blue-shift and asymmetry, but statstically hard to quantify. In order to be able to test recently developed model profiles for wind of various properties, more exposure is needed.