Title: Fast Spectral Variability in GRS 1915+105 Object: GRS 1915+105 Exposure: 100 ks Lead scientist: Neilsen [ ] Primary or [ X] Backup Constraints (none/easy/average) NONE (prefer uninterrupted if possible but not required) [ ] TOO? Brief description: Over the last 10 years, HETG observations of the bright, variable microquasar GRS 1915+105 have repeatedly provided major advances in our understanding of accretion and ejection processes in X-ray binaries (in terms of accretion disk behavior, jet physics, and accretion disk winds). While this important source remains in outburst, we ask for an additional 100 ks of HETG time to continue making new discoveries about black hole accretion physics. We do not seek a ToO because GRS 1915+105 is very reliably interesting, regardless of its behavior.