Title: AGN as Alternate targets Object: PDS 456, Mk 766, and 3C 445 Exposure: 150 ks, 200 ks, 400 ks Lead scientist: HLM [ ] Primary or [X] Backup Constraints (none/easy/average) NONE [ ] TOO? Brief description: Three AGN would be observed to obtain higher SNR in their existing HETGS = spectra. PDS 456 is a bit risky because it was observed once before but = was faint, so it could be a GO target. Mk 766 was a GTO target in AO2 = but only observed for 90 ks and needs much more time. Similarly, 3C 445 = had too little signal in the GTO observation of AO13. There would be no = constraints on any of these. Pointers to any additional material. See attached, also at = https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/download/attachments/82314359/AGNalternat= es.pdf