What do we need to do to prepare examples? 1. Create 4 new metadata registries in dome-test dcterms: DONE custommd: (Don't know the namespace URI yet, need to identify it before creating the new registry in dome.mit.edu, should probably choose a better prefix as well) In this registry added: displayNames otherIdentifier vracore: ebucore: 2. Identify examples in dome One that has vracore elements One that has ebucore elements (may have to create this in dome-test) One that can be used to show the difference between the existing dc. namespace and a new dcterms: namespace A number of examples to demonstrate the changes we would like to make to the use of metadata fields in dome (see Dome Metadata Application Rules) Contributor Fields One that has a custom contributor element, http://hdl.handle.net/1721.3/46021 One that shows multiple names displayed in one field and the need to strip date and role information from indexed fields (custommd:namesDisplay), http://dome.mit.edu/handle/1721.3/33950?show=full A browse index that is a good example of why we want a field just for names and another field for names, dates, roles, http://dome.mit.edu/handle/1721.3/33656/browse?type=author <-- This one was fixed, need to find a new one, perhaps Jolene can find one. Date fields An example of multiple dates, one for dcterms:created, one for dcterms:temporal, and both for dome:datesDisplay: http://dome.mit.edu/handle/1721.3/63998?show=full What we need are multiple examples of the various ways dates are expressed. Here's an example of how Cambridge tackles this issue: http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/856?mode=full&submit_simple=Show+full+item+record Identifier fields One that shows the use of other identifiers http://dome.mit.edu/handle/1721.3/63962?show=full We should prepare two versions of the corrected example, one with the use of dcterms:, the other with the use of just the dc. namespace. 3. Create new example records in dome-test To mirror the examples in Dome 4. Identify other instance of DSpace that use non-dc or new or custom metadata registries