- Created by Eric D Miller, last modified by craig.markwardt_1@touchstonenetwork.net on May 17, 2024 13:59
Please place any data analysis products related to fitting N132D here, under the appropriate section for each instrument. Please date each entry so we have a log of submissions. JPEG and GIF images can be displayed inline, which other files (PDF, PS, PHA files, event lists) should be included as attachments with a link to the file.
Chandra ACIS
0.35-8.0 keV image from an 89 ks ACIS-S3 observation with the proposed extraction region overlaid. There are about 2.5 million total counts from the SNR in this data set.
Chandra image from a larger region that has been smoothed and contrast enhanced with the XIS extraction region overlaid to determine if there are any bright sources in the XIS extraction region:
Fit to the ACIS spectrum with the ESAC version 1.0 model for the 2.0-10.0 keV range.
Fit with the ESAC version v1.0 model in the 2.0-4.0 kV range looking for any missing lines, there do not appear to be any line features that the ACIS spectrum would require:
Chandra HETG
Suzaku XIS
Suzaku/XIS1 full-band image with extraction region in magenta (left) compared to ACIS image and extraction region in green (right).
Suzaku/XIS spectra (black=XIS1, red=XIS0, green=XIS3) from 2010-07-27, with E212_v1.0_20110439.xcm model folded through. A constant normalization factor was allowed to vary for each XIS, but everything else was fixed. Norms are 1.27, 1.31, 1.28 (so ~30% larger than XMM model).
Spectra of Suzaku/XIS N132D obs, with old XMM model folded through
Update 2020-12-01
Eric's work simultaneously fitting the NXB+CXB background to Suzaku XIS (FI CCD) observations of N132D.
Presentation to IACHEC 2020 Symposium: PDF Video
Tarball of data and XSPEC command files showing example fit procedure: suzaku_background_fit_example.tar.gz
Update 2021-05-12
Comparison of v2.13 empirical model and 'n132d_afoster_suzuki_vrnei_20210420' physical model: miller_n132d_suzaku_20210512.pdf
Swift XRT
Coadded MOS spectra at high energies from 10 observations (processed as of 11-may-2011). Total Exposure ~ 257 ksec. In total there more than
40 observations in the XMM archive.
XMM pn
NICER has ~21 ksec good data, taken between 2018-01-29 and 2018-02-23. All 52 operating detectors were enabled.
Data were screened for undershoots in 0-40 ct/s/FPM range and overshoots in the 0-2 ct/s/FPM range, plus an additional cut on high energy X-ray counts (>2 keV, 0-4.5 ct/s/FPM cut).
This is a fit using the v2.11 model, only allowing the overall norm and NICER SCORPEON background terms to vary.
The NICER norm is 0.993. The backgrounds are pretty reasonable, although the "LEEL" background component would indicate a slightly rare condition. Without "LEEL", the fit demands an additional high energy background component in the 2-10 keV range.
Using the v2.14 model, the NICER situation is considerable worse.
NICER is not particularly sensitive to emission in the Fe K region.
File | Modified | |
JPEG File 5532_comb_fit2.0_4.0_v1.0_20110439.jpg fit to the ACIS spectrum with the ESAC version v1.0 model in the 2.0-4.0 keV range | May 10, 2011 10:59 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
JPEG File 5532_comb_fit2.0_9.0_v1.0_20110439.jpg fit to the ACIS spectrum with the ESAC version v1.0 model in the 2.0-9.0 keV range | May 10, 2011 10:59 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
File acis_n132d_extraction.reg ACIS S3 extraction region | May 10, 2011 10:56 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
File acis_region_img.fits Chandra ACIS FITS image of N132D for use in ARF generation for other missions. | Jul 21, 2021 12:33 by Eric D Miller | |
PNG File image-2024-5-17_13-45-35.png | May 17, 2024 13:45 by craig.markwardt_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
PNG File image-2024-5-17_13-48-36.png | May 17, 2024 13:48 by craig.markwardt_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
PNG File image-2024-5-17_13-50-13.png | May 17, 2024 13:50 by craig.markwardt_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
PNG File image-2024-5-17_13-50-24.png | May 17, 2024 13:50 by craig.markwardt_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
JPEG File merged_hr_expcorr_ext_lbl.jpg closeup of N132D with the ACIS extraction region | May 10, 2011 10:59 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
JPEG File merged_hr_expcorr_lbl_xis.jpg ACIS S3 image with ACIS and XIS extraction regions overlaid | May 10, 2011 10:58 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
PDF File miller_n132d_suzaku_20210512.pdf | May 12, 2021 10:12 by Eric D Miller | |
PDF File n132d_iachec_thermal_20210511.pdf Updated ACIS analysis with the physical model n132d_afoster_suzuki_vrnei_20210420.mdl and the empirical model N132D_E0310_v2.13_20210421.mdl | May 12, 2021 10:36 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
PDF File n132d_xis_20110325.pdf Spectra of Suzaku/XIS N132D obs, with XMM model folded through | Apr 28, 2011 12:06 by Eric D Miller | |
JPEG File n132d_xis_20110325-0.jpg Spectra of Suzaku/XIS N132D obs, with *old* XMM model folded through | May 11, 2011 08:40 by Eric D Miller | |
JPEG File n132d_xis_acis_comp.jpg Suzaku/XIS1 image and extraction region (magenta) compared to ACIS (green) | May 11, 2011 08:21 by Eric D Miller | |
File n132d_xis_extraction.reg Suzaku/XIS extraction region file, circle 5 arcmin in radius | May 11, 2011 08:36 by Eric D Miller | |
PDF File n132d_xis_fek.pdf Suzaku/XIS spectrum showing FeK region. | Apr 28, 2011 12:06 by Eric D Miller | |
File n132d_xis_model_fit.xcm Model for Suzaku/XIS fit, from XMM, with additional high energy lines for CCDs | Apr 28, 2011 12:07 by Eric D Miller | |
JPEG File n132d_xis_with_E212_v1.0_20110439.jpg Suzaku/XIS spectra with E212_v1.0_20110439 model folded through; additional normalization allowed to vary | May 11, 2011 08:30 by Eric D Miller | |
JPEG File n132d-mos-hien1.jpg | May 11, 2011 07:48 by sfs5_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
JPEG File n132d-mos-hien2.jpg | May 11, 2011 07:52 by sfs5_1@touchstonenetwork.net | |
File suzaku_background_fit_example.tar.gz | Dec 01, 2020 11:17 by Eric D Miller | |
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