Add Assignment
Click 'Add Assignment' to jump to the 'Import/Add' form where you can import homework from the course Homework tool, or add new assignments/exams, to the Gradebook.
In Gradebooks that use weighting, a value of zero in the 'Weight %' field will cause the assignment/exam grade to be ignored when the cumulative grade is calculated.
To Import Homework:
Click the down arrow to open the 'Homework' drop-down list. The drop-down list is comprised of all the homework titles currently available from the course Homework section for the course. Make a selection from this list.
The 'Title', 'Short Name', and 'Due Date' fields are populated with the original Homework properties ('Title', 'Short Name', and 'Due Date'). Edit the 'Title', 'Short Name', and 'Due Date' fields to update the information or leave the defaults. Changes made to these fields do not change the original homework's properties.
Enter the 'Maximum Points' the imported Homework will carry.
(Optional. See Configuring the Gradebook) If you are weighting the homework, enter the weight percentage in the 'Weight %' field. A zero entered in this field will cause the homework grade to be ignored when the final grade is calculated.
- Click 'Add' to import the data into a new 'Summary/Grading Table' form. The title of the imported homework is shown in the 'Summary' section. The Student roster is shown with blank fields for grading the imported homework.
- If you have multiple Homework assignments to import, click the "Save & Add More' button. This will clear the 'Import/Add' form so you can import additional homework without leaving the form.
To Add a new Assignment/Exam:
Enter the 'Title', 'Short Name', 'Due Date' and 'Maximum Points' the new assignment/exam will carry.
- Click 'Add' to add the selection to the 'Summary/Grading Table' form. If you have more than one assignment/exam to add, click the 'Save & Add More' button. This will clear the 'Import Add' form so you can add another assignment/exam without leaving the form.