IAP 2012
Add new good Android apps
- MIT specific
- Music
- Taking notes
- Library research
Apps for Academics: Mobile Web Sites & Apps for Your Academic Life
Nicole Hennig, Remlee Green
Thu Jan 19, 11am-12:15pm, 13-2137
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
In this whirlwind show & tell, we will recommend the best mobile web sites and apps (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Android) for use in your academic life. We'll demo apps for productivity, library research, note-taking, e-reading, PDF-reading & annotating, sketching, and more. Some apps we'll demo include Evernote, Instapaper, Dropbox, GoodReader, Papers, Wolfram Alpha, PLoS, ACS Mobile, and WorldCat Mobile.
We'll point you to the best apps and mobile sites, and also ask class members to also share their favorite apps. If you're thinking about getting an iPhone, iPad, Touch, or Android device, this may help you decide how you might use it.
The class is 75 minutes and will include break-out sessions where each small group will discuss the apps they find useful and report back to the larger group. We will have several iPads available for use during the breakout sessions. If you have a mobile device that you use for academic work, we invite you to bring it and share your knowledge with the group.
Register for class: http://info-libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/events/
Contact: Nicole Hennig, 10-500, hennig@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
IAP 2011
Apps4Academics: iPhone/iPad apps & mobile web sites for your Academic Life
Nicole Hennig, Remlee Green
Wed Jan 19, 01-02:30pm, E25-401
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
In this whirlwind show & tell, we will recommend the best iPhone/iPad apps & mobile web sites for use in your academic life. We'll demo apps for productivity, library research, note-taking, e-reading, PDF-reading & annotating, sketching, and more. Some apps we'll demo include Evernote, Instapaper, Dropbox, GoodReader, Papers, Wolfram Alpha, PLoS, ACS Mobile, and WorldCat Mobile.
We'll point you to the best apps and mobile sites, and also ask class members to also share their favorite apps. If you're thinking about getting an iPhone or iPad, this may help you decide how you might use it.
The class is 90 minutes, and will include break-out sessions where each small group will discuss the apps they find useful and report back to the larger group. We will have 5 iPads available for use during the breakout sessions. If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad that you use for academic work, we invite you to bring it and share your knowledge with the group.
Register for class: http://info-libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/events/.
Contact: Nicole Hennig, 10-500, hennig@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Libguide for the class: http://libguides.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/apps
Apps to cover:
- Dropbox
- To Do
- 1Password
- LogMeIn
- Instapaper
- Evernote
- Penultimate
- Dragon Dictation
- JotNot Scanner
- Prizmo
- Nebulous Notes
- Keynote
- Keynote Remote
- SyncPad
- WebEx
- Adobe Connect
- Papers
- GoodReader
- Kindle
- Reeder
- Wolfram Alpha
- Worldcat Mobile
- ACS Mobile
- Awesome Note
- Docs to Go
- MIT Mobile
- TechTV (web)
- Naxos
- Pandora
- TuneIn Radio
Draft outline:
Intro and welcome: NH
Mention the Libguide: http://libguides.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/apps
Mention the further resources on that page.
Mention the breakout sessions.
Be more productive, manage files & passwords
- Dropbox - NH
- To Do - NH
- 1Password - NH
- LogMeIn - NH
Read PDFs, Ebooks, RSS feeds - annotate and share
- Instapaper - NH
- GoodReader - RG
- Kindle - RG
- Papers - RG
- Reeder - RG
- Flipboard - RG
Conduct library research
- Wolfram Alpha - RG
- Worldcat Mobile - RG
- ACS Mobile - RG
Take notes by writing, drawing, speaking, audio capture, image capture
- Awesome Note - RG
- Penultimate - NH
- Evernote - NH
- Dragon Dictation - NH
- JotNot Scanner - NH
- Prizmo - NH
Write at length
- Docs to Go - RG
- Nebulous Notes - NH
Give and view presentations, attend webinars
- Keynote - NH
- Keynote Remote - NH
- WebEx - NH
- Adobe Connect - NH
- SyncPad - NH
- MIT iPhone app - RG
- MIT mobile web - RG
- TechTV (mobile web) - RG
Listen to music (just for fun)
- Naxos music library - RG
- Pandora - RG
- TuneIn Radio - RG
Break-out groups:
- Break into small groups
- Groups report back
- Q & A