What are we trying to accomplish?
Create a catalog of reusable transaction templates for creating billable items for the monthly TNSC feed to SAP.
Pilot the appropriate text in the available feeds to maximize the usefulness of the resulting DTR line item text
Assess the efficiency and efficacy of this method over that of JV Uploads.
Who's Involved?
Training, IS&T Repair Services, possible DS MDS for their On-Call SLAs.
See the attachments for the product catalog, and the reports of pending (as of 5/25) pilot transactions for the repair center and for training.
Process Changes
- Quentin will review a pending transaction list for each team (RC and TRAIN at the moment) and assert that the transactions are correct for SAP.
- Changes to the product catalog should be reviewed when they occur, and be communicated to finance.
How Are We Doing?
- Prototype run of billing transactions from Training and PC Service ran the night of 5/26, and all is well.